#Comsol 5.3 passcode crack how to
For more information on how to install the update, installing on other operating systems, and offline installation, see the Additional Instructions tab below. Note that the COMSOL Server™ service process needs to be stopped before applying the update. To update COMSOL Server™ if using the Windows ® operating system, run the Update program from the COMSOL Launchers folder in the Start menu. The listed version should be COMSOL Multiphysics ® 5.3 (Build: 316). If using the Linux ® and macOS operating systems, this is located in the Help menu. If using the Windows ® operating system, this is located in the File menu under Help. In order to check that the update installation was successful, first start the COMSOL Multiphysics ® software and select the About COMSOL Multiphysics menu option. If using the Linux ® or macOS operating systems, this is located in the Help menu.įor more information on how to install the update and for offline installation, see the Additional Instructions tab below. The easiest way to install the update for COMSOL Multiphysics ® is to start the program and then select Check for Product Updates. Before proceeding with your installation, make sure that you close and exit any running COMSOL ® processes or any software you have running that correlates to a LiveLink™ product you would like to update (Excel ®, MATLAB ®, or a CAD software).